Verification Process
PAN Verification
- This feature will enable you to verify single / bulk PAN, from TRACES. This will check if the Deductee Name and PAN available in Express TDS is same as that available in TRACES.
- Upon successful verification, the verification status will be updated in the system and visible across the website (wherever applicable).
- Upon successful verification, the verification status will be updated in the system and visible across the website (wherever applicable).
TAN Verification
- This feature will enable you to verify TANs from Income Tax e-filing Portal or Know your TAN. This will check if the Deductor Name and TAN available in Express TDS is same as that fetched from the source.
- Upon successful verification, the verification status will be updated in the system and visible on the website (wherever applicable).
Challan Verification to Avoid Defaults
- This feature will help you to verify your challan beforehand avoid any unnecessary default from TRACES portal.
- You can select one or more challan and hit verify to ensure that the details added in the system matches with those available on OLTAS.